hello, i’m Keira. a curious creative with a passion for People, Brand + strategy. I’m an experienced leader who thrives on encouraging excellence in both teams and business.

I have nearly 20 years experience in creative development that aligns with strategy for global enterprises, start-ups and everything in between. During that time I have acquired incredible experience in brand strategy and identity, creative direction, design operations, best-practice processes and building high-performing teams.

Challenge tends to be my motivator. I am resilient and adaptable when it comes to change and change management. I’m driven by curiosity and critical thinking, and by combining those drivers with strategic and creative skills, the sky is the limit. I like bringing people along for the journey, so wherever we are heading, strap in, because it’s going to be fun.

I'm vivacious and friendly – a real people person. I have a knack for disarming sometimes difficult people with my charm. My sense of humour and capacity to see the best in any situation helps in high-stress circumstances. I have a passion for team work, and always strive to bring out the best in the people I work with by valuing kindness, authenticity, transparency and inclusivity.

Organisation is the key to success for both myself and my teams. Effective communication, prioritisation and attention to detail are the backbone on which I build team processes and workflows. I’ve know the benefits of being clear on the how and the why. I build workflows that address points of engagement, agile timelines and flexible expectations that reduce frustration and fatigue both in the creative team and the wider business. I am successful at leading both remotely and in person for projects and teams alike.

I love finding the right solution for whatever problem is in front of me. If you think i could help solve yours, please reach out so we can chat.